How To Descale A Kettle

How To Descale A Kettle

If you're anything like this humble blog writer, then your kettle is one of the most used appliances in your home. Whether it's for your morning coffee fix, a well earned afternoon tea, or an indulgent hot chocolate (with whipped cream and sprinkles, of course), you're kettle will be there for you - which is why it is super important to keep it in top notch condition. 

Descaling your kettle is an essential task that ensures your kettle functions efficiently and lasts longer. Descaling helps to remove the build-up of minerals and limescale that accumulates over time, which can affect the taste of your tea or coffee and damage the heating element of your kettle. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to descale your kettle effectively.


So How Do I Descale?

What you will need:

  • Descaler of your choice
  • Water
  • A soft-bristled brush or sponge
  • A microfiber cloth

Step 1: Fill the kettle with water and your descaler

Start by filling your kettle with water and your choice of descaler. The amount you use will depend on the size of your kettle, as well as the instructions on your descaling product. Make sure to cover the element if it is exposed, and then plug the kettle into the socket.

Step 2: Boil the solution

Once your kettle is filled with the descaler solution, switch it on and allow it to boil. Once the kettle has reached boiling point, switch it off and unplug it from the socket. Leave the solution to sit in the kettle for at least 30 minutes (or how long stated on the instructions) to allow the descaler to work on the limescale.

Step 3: Rinse the kettle

After 30 minutes, pour out the solution from the kettle and rinse the kettle with cold water. Repeat the rinsing process a few times to ensure that all the descaler is removed.

Step 4: Clean the kettle

Using a soft-bristled brush or sponge, clean the inside of the kettle to remove any remaining limescale or mineral build-up. Be gentle when scrubbing the inside of the kettle, as you don't want to scratch the surface of the kettle. After cleaning, rinse the kettle again with cold water.

Step 5: Dry the kettle

Using a microfiber cloth, dry the inside and outside of the kettle. Make sure the kettle is completely dry before using it again.


Can I Use Vinegar To Descale My Kettle?

If you're looking for an easy and effective way to descale your kettle, vinegar is a common household item that you can use. Vinegar is a mild acid that can break down mineral deposits and remove impurities from the kettle.

Its super safe to use vinegar to descale your kettle. Vinegar is a natural and non-toxic cleaning agent that is commonly used in households. It's also affordable and readily available. When used correctly, vinegar can effectively remove mineral build-up and impurities from your kettle. Use 50% vinegar and 50% water as your solution.


What About Lemon?

Lemon is another option you can consider. Lemon juice is an acidic fruit that can help break down mineral deposits and remove impurities from your kettle, and its natural and non-toxic. Again, use a 50/50 solution of lemon mixed with water. Keep in mind though, with lemon juice or vinegar, the smell will stick. 


How Often Should I Descale?

This depends on how often you use your kettle, and how hard the water in your area is. We recommend that you descale your kettle as soon as you can clearly see the limescale. To keep your kettle nice and hygienic, it's best to descale 2 to 3 times a year, to keep that tea tasting fresh.

And that's it! We hope you can use these tips to remove limescale from your kettle. If your looking for a descaling solution, be sure to check out our kettle descalers.

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